Monday, May 16, 2011

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Does it show the business of car parks clear signs of maturity ...?
seems so, if we consider the study that just appeared prepared by DBK , the first English company specialized in the development of analytical studies sector, and with a clear conclusion: management market parking tends to stagnation. And although generate 605 million euros in 2010 , rental of parking spaces reduced its turnover 1.6% in 2009 and 0.8% in 2010.
MATURITY ... Yes, maturity, and DBK as the causes are lack of central locations and cost, the decrease in the number of municipal concessions and reduced demand. But market worked, and well, in 2010. 605 million euro were obtained between PLACES AND PLACES OF SUBSCRIBERS ROTATION .
- Operation of the rotating seats : are those garages "barrier", in which we get a ticket to get in and get paid by the minute. This business model fell by 1.1% and revenues billed to stand at 437 million euros. This cake is so divided in 2010, a total of 640 companies from all around 1,200 car exploded. In total, about .... 480,000 seats, 45% concentrated in Madrid and Catalonia. Most of these companies are small and local, but even the "small" are mostly the market is dominated by the major companies operating in Spain (Los Acciona, Abertis, etc) that despite being a minority among the five largest control 55% of the market.
- Rental of paid places: garages are those who rent their places to subscribers who pay for months. This market reached 168 million euros, more or less the same as in 2009.
A separate market is the management of regulated parking area, that of the blue or green depending on the municipality, which invoiced 250 million euros, up 0.8% over the previous year. of this market is expected to grow between 1% and 2% due to the creation of new parking areas, primarily in medium-sized cities, with the difficult technique of removing the brush and paint the asphalt public.

That's the market, stagnated at 605 million euros, b endite maturity .... the business sector that you know to be, waiting for the time and sell when touched.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Nostalgia flies
Google, its creators the mythic Larry Page and Sergey Brin , want to regain the spirit that developed the famous search engine. As is well known search engine Google is created in a rented garage in California and became his office. In 2006 and had a first attack of nostalgia l or its owner bought to commemorate the eighth anniversary as a museum.

rich and famous now, accustomed to luxury and lifestyle too distant to their early in the garage, nostalgia attacks them again ... and as I said is that Homer Greek, not Simpson , " nothing is as sweet as the homeland and parents themselves, although one has in a strange and far more opulent mansion . " A golden boys have come up with to make available to their workers, garage workshops to give free rein to their imagination. Has become the spirit of the garage and have dubbed "Google Workshops" in order to recover the same type of environment they were when they started to create Google.

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Good news for the automotive industry in Argentina. In 2010 it sold more than 720,000 vehicles and the forecasts are close to 1 million by 2011. 35% of sales were from the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires . In particular if we limit ourselves to the city of Buenos Aires, which is known as the Federal Capital , increased fleet of 114,000 vehicles have been in the past year which is a real challenge for the nearly 3,000,000 of locals to suffer traffic chaos and .... lack of parking.

investor attention: Increased demand for parking spaces in Buenos Aires comfortably exceeds the supply of stock in them and building new garages can not satisfy.

No wonder the parking have signed up to the party's stunning Argentine real estate market reaching average cumulative increases above 60% in the last three years in certain areas and can reach prices of around $ 50,000 in barrios like Recoleta, Micro and Macrocenter, Barrio Norte, Belgrano Caballito. And it appears that the housing market will continue to grow in 2011.

What is expected for this year 2011? Will the Argentine real estate market still attractive to investors ?.... The law of inertia says to alter your body movement, there must be something that causes change. What trend brings Argentina's economy and how forces can act on it to change it? In 2010 Argentina's economy surpassed all expectations to grow by 9.2% and the forces that may disrupt or persevere in this approach are the same in 2011, here are the three most powerful:

F1: Inflation . Argentina is at the podium global inflation. 2010 saw an increase of cost of living 10% but those are official figures. According to private entities and specialists in the field, increasing real price could be almost three times . A scourge for middle and lower classes. And how people react not suffer to make ends meet? A classic response of investors to inflation is to buy properties as the general price rise drags the value of flats, plots, offices and parking spaces, as well as income from rents they generate. It has a certain whiff of bubble, yes ... but it's the same old story and who want to protect their capital as they usually do so by transforming it into bricks.

F2: The dollar . In Argentina there is no currency to keep the value of long-term purchase and the dollar less attractive to the speed you lose power in the world. What remains as a safe haven for savings? Again .... The property.

F3: The "sojadólares" . The rural sector is at record highs, Argentina has become the leading global supplier of soybean meal and oil. And if last year was excellent, in February 2011, soybean processing has gone up 43% year on 2010. In the field a real rain is falling dollars and the question asked is who the crowd Where to invest this money? The money just flowing from the countryside to the city and transformed back into bricks as a refuge value runaway inflation and the unfortunate business that is accumulating U.S. dollars in the bank. And with the arrival of fresh country much money the property market in Buenos Aires is pushed up.

Since it appears yes, the Buenos Aires real estate market will remain attractive this year, back to the parking spaces at garages of Buenos Aires to warn that it is almost impossible to find a parking space below the $ 15,000 in the city of Buenos Aires and the revaluation of the price of parking in neighborhoods with high demand, such as micro and the macrocentro, are beyond the rate of housing units that record the same building.

Investor .... Maybe tomorrow is too late, you should have spent yesterday, but as the old tango, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Tomorrow is another day

"and waiting is the best

that although much depart early

does not appear before the sun.

And as I am Buenos Aires

this advice I give you:

- to procrastinate

what you can do today. "