, Nissan and Honda are directing their energies to promoting the production of hybrids and even electric vehicles as a whole. Others think that the oil crisis hit rock bottom and that the internal combustion engine with a high sense of efficiency, will remain the focus of engineering in the following years, this General Motors are betting , Ford Chrysler and without this means, of course, not to develop hybrid and electric markets.
Last August, Katsuaki Watanabe, president of Toyota, announced accelerated change in automotive manufacturing plan to reduce by 7% the production of pickups and big family, and spend an adjustment assembly 10 million units in 2008 to a total of 9.7 million by 2009 worldwide.
however, will increase the manufacture of electric and hybrid vehicles, especially the latter with the introduction of its new Prius next year in Japan and the USA.
Honda's response was immediate and Insight will be the flagship car in the race for the car market, say, clean.
John Campi, vice president of global procurement at Chrysler LLC, in its vi located in Mexico in July, said he would not be so skeptical about the future of the traditional internal combustion vehicles. Of course, added there to make them much more energy efficient (energy generated by each unit, only 25% advantage), but "I would not be as bad to think that higher price of gasoline at $ 4 a gallon we should be obligated to change our plans rapidly original production of vehicles. The price of gasoline Japan and Europe has reached $ 11. "Campi
again quoting the classics in the sector claim that the high demand for steel in the new countries that are potential producers of cars, such as those that constitute the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), is driving a low production in other nations like the U.S. and now Japan and Germany, with the rising price of inputs. This is what I said Campi as "systemic changes."
But the plans of the Japanese are betting the future of the automobile to the progressive shift to electricity, with 200 filling stations to be installed by Tokyo Electric Power Company. Meanwhile
U.S. and Canada follow the same path, as now negotiated an agreement with auto parts companies to achieve lower prices in the provision for Detroit's Big Three, GM, Ford and Chrysler. However
plans of the three nations are overshadowed by the economic crisis that has affected major manufacturing centers in the world.
The U.S. government bailout of private mortgage Fan nie Mae and Freddie Mac, by public money - described by experts as a near-nationalization or return to the rectory of the state in the cradle of free trade - is has become a call of the U.S. auto industry to flow the "supports" guaranteed the sector, which should be located between 25,000 and 50,000 million dollars and that the Bush administration in full electoral process would be delivered in December.
And in Mexico there is a positive signal to industry to meet in September passes do with the new Minister of Economy, Gerardo Ruiz, who was raised production challenges: supporting the development and research technology, increase the efficiency of auto parts companies in second and third levels and encourage the domestic market, which could encourage Mexico to reach levels of production and sales of more than 3 million units per year in the coming years.
Source: Car and Driver