There is much talk lately of eBook, the eBook, and how publishers have learned nothing in the mirror of the audiovisual industry. Are doomed to lose the train of the century, your business, your power and the good life have incompetent. For publishers, what you see, are people who can not read . But dare to give moral lessons they speak of piracy with his mouth full, and forget that other scourge afflicting the artist ("the plundering of their rights? No): plagiarism.
"You, Pirates of shit going to end up with the literature", they say, as if Cervantes had not died poor solemnity. But never refer the lack of quality books, artists assumptions. And a lack of quality, it's plagiarism. In music there is at all times. And literature is easy to find similarities (sometimes suspect) between different stories. What was I never found an author plagiarize himself ... in 40 pages! . The mug: Valerio Massimo Manfredi. The work autoplagiada: The Lost Legion.
Pages 340-341:
saw commanders of major units to meet with the strongest warriors army Eurylochus Lusi, Aristonymus, that of the long slender legs, Aristea, that of fire-red hair color , and convene shortly after the trumpeters and pipers. This will only (sic) could mean one thing: attack with his head down and not stop until the enemy line had been deranged and broken. (...)
when the pipers began to play together up the pace when stepped drums shaking the hearts of all, the stamp was launched in the arms tightened flat protruding tile only Spears solid ash, the red robes stood out even damaged a bit too much snow in the area ........
And now piratillas shoddy, page 378 (changes in blue):
I saw the commanders of major units to meet with the strongest warriors army Lusi Eurylochus s , Aristonymus, that of the long slender legs, Aristea, red hair the color of fire, Licio Syracuse, Nicarco Arcadia, and convene shortly after the trumpeters and pipers. This will only (sic) could mean one thing: attack with his head down and not stop until the enemy line had been deranged and broken. (...)
flutes began to play in unison the walking gait, stepped drums shaking the hearts of all five stamps like spokes of a star began to move, and the shields tightened flat tile sticking spears only solid ash, the damaged red robes stood out even to the extent exaggerated way snow ........
The rest of the two battles is just plagiarized ... Hey Valerio, majete, this black with me I had not ever happened. As editor, long story. Never would edit a book that I had not read. But the worst are you, rotten readers piracy that you have your artists to rolex instead of mushrooms ...
And what I rondaré, dark
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