Friday, April 29, 2011

Hamilton Beach Model K Food Mixer Vintage


Good news for the automotive industry in Argentina. In 2010 it sold more than 720,000 vehicles and the forecasts are close to 1 million by 2011. 35% of sales were from the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires . In particular if we limit ourselves to the city of Buenos Aires, which is known as the Federal Capital , increased fleet of 114,000 vehicles have been in the past year which is a real challenge for the nearly 3,000,000 of locals to suffer traffic chaos and .... lack of parking.

investor attention: Increased demand for parking spaces in Buenos Aires comfortably exceeds the supply of stock in them and building new garages can not satisfy.

No wonder the parking have signed up to the party's stunning Argentine real estate market reaching average cumulative increases above 60% in the last three years in certain areas and can reach prices of around $ 50,000 in barrios like Recoleta, Micro and Macrocenter, Barrio Norte, Belgrano Caballito. And it appears that the housing market will continue to grow in 2011.

What is expected for this year 2011? Will the Argentine real estate market still attractive to investors ?.... The law of inertia says to alter your body movement, there must be something that causes change. What trend brings Argentina's economy and how forces can act on it to change it? In 2010 Argentina's economy surpassed all expectations to grow by 9.2% and the forces that may disrupt or persevere in this approach are the same in 2011, here are the three most powerful:

F1: Inflation . Argentina is at the podium global inflation. 2010 saw an increase of cost of living 10% but those are official figures. According to private entities and specialists in the field, increasing real price could be almost three times . A scourge for middle and lower classes. And how people react not suffer to make ends meet? A classic response of investors to inflation is to buy properties as the general price rise drags the value of flats, plots, offices and parking spaces, as well as income from rents they generate. It has a certain whiff of bubble, yes ... but it's the same old story and who want to protect their capital as they usually do so by transforming it into bricks.

F2: The dollar . In Argentina there is no currency to keep the value of long-term purchase and the dollar less attractive to the speed you lose power in the world. What remains as a safe haven for savings? Again .... The property.

F3: The "sojadólares" . The rural sector is at record highs, Argentina has become the leading global supplier of soybean meal and oil. And if last year was excellent, in February 2011, soybean processing has gone up 43% year on 2010. In the field a real rain is falling dollars and the question asked is who the crowd Where to invest this money? The money just flowing from the countryside to the city and transformed back into bricks as a refuge value runaway inflation and the unfortunate business that is accumulating U.S. dollars in the bank. And with the arrival of fresh country much money the property market in Buenos Aires is pushed up.

Since it appears yes, the Buenos Aires real estate market will remain attractive this year, back to the parking spaces at garages of Buenos Aires to warn that it is almost impossible to find a parking space below the $ 15,000 in the city of Buenos Aires and the revaluation of the price of parking in neighborhoods with high demand, such as micro and the macrocentro, are beyond the rate of housing units that record the same building.

Investor .... Maybe tomorrow is too late, you should have spent yesterday, but as the old tango, do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Tomorrow is another day

"and waiting is the best

that although much depart early

does not appear before the sun.

And as I am Buenos Aires

this advice I give you:

- to procrastinate

what you can do today. "

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Delime Dishwasher

A MAN with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.

Just today, April 21 is 101 years the death of Mark Twain .'m sure the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer suffered no parking problems in their quiet and southern Missouri, few haste and little traffic along the Mississippi River . Theirs was a time that would get the first large machine and with it the beginning of the revolution industrial. The South was slavery and the money is made otherwise, there were no entrepreneurs, at least as we now know, but at the height of capitalism and globalization can not think of another way of describing the entrepreneurs of the century: crazy with new ideas and willingness to carry out .

Good ideas are rewarded, in whatever form. The contest SmartCamp of IBM such rewards the best technology-based solution in order to create a smarter world. The prize is named "Entrepreneur of the Year " and this edition has taken the system SF PARK, developed by start-up Streetline . For those who have not ever heard the start-up entrepreneurs are small businesses with big ideas and little money linked to the world of technology. The innovative idea that won the contest is designed to save energy and time to drivers. Because who has not passed him that wanted to park near your home or place of work, go round and round, and every turn, turning away more of your site you want to finally find a place where you leave the car, far and away. And then when you come walking ... surprise! A site has been cleared at the door of your office. One of those situations that Mark Twain had been having written about it in one of his acclaimed short stories.

technology PARK SF is the placement of sensors on the sidewalks and parking meters that allow us to know where there are places available and at what price comes time. The sensors transmit a signal to the meter when the square is free , and in turn the meter connected to the Internet through the system SF PARK, informs users via their mobile phones. The system, already being tested in San Francisco in the "blue zones" fits well as parking fees is on a street with many or few seats empty. If on a particular street there are few vacancies rate set ups and similarly low in the streets with many vacancies. The idea is to seek equitable distribution of vacancies among the streets to make it fair for everyone and that the collection suit demand.

A greater demand, fewer seats and higher fares. This is capitalism Mark.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 Days Late What Does The Fluid Look Like


The surprise of the Gods. probably 1590, Hans von Aachen
From a series of conversations with economists, real estate experts, including Bernard Gonzalo or Jesus Gil, the newspaper World has compiled a list of 20 errors that should not be committed to avoid falling back into the present ruin property, presented here as we have come across idealistic. The desire of all is that never again to occur, in that we all agree on the list will be reviews for all tastes ...

1) look to citizens to know how to manage supply and demand taking into account that the real estate industry is somewhat cyclical, with a long maturation process
2) make a study of the general plans of each municipality over 50,000 inhabitants
3) check the progress of population, whether growth is immigration
4) conducting market studies truth in the new scenario of disappearance of 100% mortgages and increases prices
5) replace the classic developer for a residential promoter, which may be the land owner, builder of the work technicians, architects or those who market to reduce the selling price by 20 or 30%
6) reduce the costs to control and further lower prices
7) to only ask for funding 40% or 50% of the promotional project and the rest is going to build and pay
8) that the dealer again lend to companies
9) companies to buy land now to build two or three years, because the soil has fallen more than housing
10) limit the liquidity to give balance to the market and prevent speculation
11) to industrialize the process of promoting the housing mix within for each stage and calculate the cost of housing as an end product
12) back to fixed rate mortgages with a term that is not slavery lifetime, say 20 years maximum, so the floors do not go up and down the pace of interest rate
13) that prices will fall to 2000 levels or 2001
14) no finance to the developer if you have permission and pre sold 50% of the promotion
15) that the plan purchases made before a notary and then pay all taxes (10% of housing )
16) diversifying types and do not just houses with 3 bedrooms rigid
17) bet the rent on any of its options
18) re-build houses of 100-125 square meters
19) in cities of 500,000 or more increase the density to 100 dwellings per hectare (10,000 m2) and small current in the tradition
20) Do not just think young people to build houses, but also to middle class / high that is the ultimate home buying